Session Feedback

To ensure you're having the best experience,  we encourage you to use this survey to provide us any feedback at the end of each Institute Session. If you have any comments or concerns, outside of this survey, make sure to email Clare Killy.

Click Here For Survey

Hello, Person!

Welcome to the Network Center

Congratulations and Welcome!

We are so excited to have you as part of Disability Lead's largest class yet and to help you on your exciting journey towards developing your leadership skills. In addition to the Institute and the thrilling programming we have planned for you, we are pleased to launch the Network Center as a one stop resource for all Institute related matters and documents. Within the Network Center, Disability Lead will share events, resources, assignment reminders and more available only through this portal. Here are some quick tips to get started:

  • Use the "Reminders" box to find and be reminded of any assignments for this year's 2024 Institute
  • Use the "Resources For Fellows" Box to find all related resources from PowerPoint slides, contact information from Facilitators, etc
  • Visit the "Upcoming Sessions & Events" Box to see Fellow & Member only events that you can choose to join
  • Use the "Contact Us" Box to find contact information for Disability Lead staff

Troubleshooting Issues?

If you find yourself running into any errors on the Network Center, make sure to reach out to Brittney Grant

Fellows Information

Upcoming Mandatory Events

2024 Institute: Day 4

  • May 30th: 9 AM - 4:30 PM CST

2024 Institute: Day 5

  • May 31st: 9 AM - 2:30  PM CST

Upcoming Optional Events: 

SAVE THE DATE: 34th Anniversary of the & Member Celebration Party

  • Tuesday, July 9th: 4 - 6 PM CT
    iO Theater

(More Coming Soon)


Nothing Is Due At This Moment

Have A Question?

A light and dark purple background with a white box in the middle reads, "Contact Us." Underneath list two names and emails. "Institute Questions: Clare Killy," and "Network Center Questions: Brittney Grant,"

Members Information

Selection Committee Information

Applicant Access for Interviews

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Gain Access to Your Applicant List