Joanna is smiling in front of a gray background. She has long wavy brown hair and is wearing a red shirt and blue blazer.

Joanna Turner Bisgrove

Rush University Medical Center
Family Physician & Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine

Dr. Joanna Turner Bisgrove is a family physician and Assistant Professor in Family Medicine at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.  At Rush, she sees patients of all ages, with a focus on women and children and the LGBTQ community.  She is also actively involved in the Rush/BMO Harris Institute for Health Equity, serving on the Institute’s Policy and Advocacy Committee, Rush Social Care and Health Equity Committee, and Health Equity Governance Committee.   

A staunch advocate for disability inclusion and the elimination of structural barriers in medicine and society, Dr. Bisgrove is vocal in pushing for policy change within the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates and is a member of the AMA Council on Science and Public Health.  She has helped push for changes in the AMA code of ethics that change medicine’s stance on physicians with disabilities from exclusion to inclusion and support through accommodations and education.  Advocating for the establishment of a disability advisory group within the AMA to help further the inclusion of physicians with disabilities, she will join the group upon its launch. 

Dr. Bisgrove has been involved in healthcare policy and advocacy for years.  Prior to moving back to her hometown of Chicago, she lived and worked in Wisconsin for 14 years. During that time, she was co-chair of the Legislative Committee for the Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians for eight years and Medical Advisor for her local school district for eight years.  She served terms as a Physician Director on the SSM Health Wisconsin Board of Directors and a Trustee on the Dane County Medical Society Board of Trustees.  Nationally, in addition to the AMA, she has also been very involved in the American Academy of Family Physicians, working with colleagues on matters of health equity across the spectrum of medical care 

Health and Human Services