Kruti is smiling with medicine bins in the background

Kruti Shah

Rush University Medical Center
Clinical Operations Pharmacist

Kruti Parikh Shah, PharmD, is a Clinical Operations Pharmacist at RUSH University Medical Center. In her role, she ensures safe and effective use of medications, provides collaborative drug therapy management, and offers excellent patient care. Being a woman of color and having a disability, she is passionate about Disability, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. During the pandemic, when medical masks became a barrier to lipreading, she advocated for clear masks to improve access to communication. She is a Public Voice Fellow with the OpEd Project and a steering committee member for the Disabilities Employee Resource Group (DERG) at RUSH. She volunteers as a mentor to high school students interested in allied health careers through the Bridges Mentorship Program with Rush Education and Career Hub (REACH).

She is an Indo-Canadian American, whose life has spanned over three countries. She was raised by a single mother who immigrated to Canada from India when Kruti was a teenager. Due to her strong desire and commitment to be of service to others who have been displaced, she serves on the board of RefugeeOne, the largest resettlement agency in Chicago.

She is a graduate of the University of Toronto (BSc) and the University at Buffalo (PharmD)

Community Inclusion, Disability, Healthcare
Administration Management, Disability Rights, Health and Human Services